Pc meeting 20.01.22
No S7 at the Meeting ( prebac )
• Spirit day wasn’t a big success , maybe too complicated, S7 weren’t there , PC should dress up , more exposure for teachers aswell , get inspiration before , PJ the 4th of march
• Prom , We aren’t doing the hotel, probably on a Sunday for the prom ( end at 8:00 or 9:00 ) price more reasonable (about 30€ with food ) , we get the prices soon , place can hold 500 , 300 expected , planning on February , after holidays , sunday’s ,don’t need staff, security and du included , really nice venue
• Euro night , march 19th maybe , at atelier organized by ultra shell
• BBC 16+ , dude came 1h late , meeting lasted 10min , no neon theme , traffic light system (bracelet) , DJ was kinda strict , send your best songs , next we ek start selling tickets , poster ready by tomorrow ( Internal ) , lux 1 dropped out btw , send songs to Domy.
• Féminine hygiène products : checking prices at belle étoile
• Mental health ; psychologist meeting , questions for the psy ? She’s actually a career advisor ( like her role in the school) they want 3 psy
• Rose sale poster , have to hang them up , ms Salvatore ( Simeon )
• Eco : putting up a sign , it’s not their decision cos it’s not their lawn
• Conseil ; mail question from the class rep meeting to ocoimin , certified rapid tests , graduation robes / caps , student just plan it themselves , bac comitte
• PR : results for polls , crewnecks back , hoodies front / back , want name of the school on the front of the hoodie , we need to sell now ,
• PCTV : felix/justas needs to finish it , countdown when it’s done
• More casual tik tok