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Class Rep Meeting 07.01.2020

  • Hoodie, bottles sale is available on the website. Hoodie Sale ends on Friday the 17th of January, for Bottle Sale ends on the 31st. They will be given out once they have arrived. PC website: (
  • New canteen section of the website, students can now send complaints about food and other things, they can even add pictures. If possible please visit the site in class in front of your classmates
  • A question raised by student- Can any email be used to send complaints?  Yes.
  • Rose sales will take place Feb 14th
  • Each class rep has to make a list with the names of students who want to buy roses and how many from their class. Please collect the exact amount of money (1,50€ per rose) and give it with the list to Mme. Di Salvatore in room A004 or Mme Tonelli B011.
  • Secret delivery: +0.50 euro and cost for roses. Roses will be distributed by PC members
  • PC will stand in front of the screen at some point to receive orders for secret delivery in 20 min break. The sheet will ask for the recipient’s name, class and which period it should be given, etc. (More info coming soon.)
  • Vandalism- we encouraged students to report if they see anything. Bathrooms and Sofas aren’t repaired/replaced and are always destroyed.
  • Ecosia- What is it? Available on all students’ desktops, spread word about it. Encouraged students to use it.
  • The new canteen meeting is soon. Meeting with Frithiofson and Soekov went generally well, plastic bottles might be removed from vending machines. Questions from the previous meeting couldn’t be answered since the motion to get answers was started too late.
  • Please remind your classmates that they can send suggestions either on the website, social media or letterbox, or just talk to any PC member
  • All EU schools will strike February 10th but more info coming on that soon, discussion with CoSup. Brussels press and media have been informed and are willing to write about it.
  • Physics 2 and Chemistry 2 might be introduced.  (S6-S7)
  • Euronight- In Lux, March 7th, 16+ party held every year organized by CoSup.
  • Students who are 16 will have to sign two forms, like last year, but this time the club will also ask for a copy of alcohol.
  • Only ID or passport. NO SCHOOL CARD.
  • S1-3 disco to be held soon for valentine’s day. Students were asked what date they would prefer. (Options were: 7th, 13th or 14th of February) Poll on Instagram
  • Prom for S4-5. Friday 7th of February, if allowed by administration.
  • ZERO alcohol or smoking. Students were warned about the consequences of breaking rules.
  • What to do with PC money??
  • Charity? Australia etc. Pay for new sofas? Popcorn or gum machine? Introduce more science or programming equipment? Create a free party?
  • Questions raised by students.

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