Our school gets most tickets (closest to Lux)
Leisure has a specific group taking care of it
Lux2 gets a lot less profit (?!)
Need to go to BBC to finalise the contract + DJ set etc.. (16+)
Ask if students are ready to wear Halloween stuff etc… (16+)
PR pumpkins 9pm
S1-3 tickets start being sold Tuesday after b2s
education counsel : changing of number of periods s4/s5s compos
eurosport : want an orchestra and some games will be played at josie bartel but only for european schools students
options for s6,7 if you want to change it’s by june 1st (will be explained more in details)
students shouldn’t come to school with their cars (they don’t actually have power over it, they just would rather avoid it)
talk to classreps about bathroom issues
school therapists want to attend our meetings and have new workshops