16+ Party:
Very positve feedback
Bouncer issue was brought up with the club and they apologised
S1-S3 Disco:
Very big success
Congratulated by secondary admin 😎
Spirt Day:
Advertise a lot more!
Less information and more clear
Post: Send costumes + carving competition
Open forms for design
Order Grand Duchess’ hoodie
PC hoodies: Someone design
Neurodiversity competition: They win hoodie –> order for them
Phone Policy:
Probably implemented next year
Nikos Football Tournament:
Tournament between countries –> difficult as some countries dont have many students
=> Between sections (S6/S7)
8 teams best –> Italian, German, English, French, Danish, Greek + 2 Teams
11 vs 11 or 7 vs 7
20 minute halves
Asked around and recieved positive feedback
Maybe also have other sports
Post survey!!!