16+ Party:
Last tickets to be released
Staff (16+):
Be there by 19:30
Download checkinera
Pay before 21:00 if in the PC
Box office:
Priority to people in costumes
S1-S3 Disco:
Ask DJ Ablino for price
Treasury order the drinks, go buy snacks
Decorations: Check what decos to keep after 16+
Ideas for promotion!
Treasury to decide amount to give to ASF
Find teachers to staff
Canteen propositions:
Bring back waffles/crepes
Have Christmas things around Christmas (survey on insta)
Quality and quantity of food is decreasing (get feedback on this)
Conseil meeting:
Have to go to class during pre-bacs (S7)
Admin/canteen bathrooms – admin will be looking into opening them
Advertise the reason why bathrooms are closed
Computer system: Preferably log in where you already have – it will be faster
Halloween competitions:
Class, individual and teacher competitions
Pumpkin carving competition
Pc bonding event!!!
Lux 1-2 pc’s and other availabe spots for players’ friends to spectate
Advertise it during/after the event
Football tournament:
Choose teams by section and then by swals size
2/3 matches every Tuesday for a couple of weeks