tmw 16+ party & friedes bday:
- Staff: tommaso/domi/panos/emily/felix/justas
- ruben & juree photographer
- lux1 brings the decorations
- sell in the 20 min & 10 min break ADMIN
- euronight (great success)
- try to make moral a choice subject
- mental health survey
- trying to make sign language l4
- eurosport not happening next year
- new biology syllabus
- enrollment of ukrain student 2022/2023
pc dinner
- 13th of may (l’osteria) at 19:05
Spirit day:
- wednesday 27th of april
- TWIN DAY!!! basically group costume
electorial board
- thursday 12th of may
last pc meeting
- 18th may
5% project
- We are late cause o’coimin postpone it after the holiday which would be useless since there will be only two weeks of school