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Meeting Minutes 28.10

Meeting b/w PC Heads and O’Coimin

Friede: Mental Health Project

  • O’Coimin went to talk to the school psychologist about the project
  • Hang posters
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Siméon: Benches near Quai 6

  • Create benches (covered) near Quai 6 (where there is grass)
  • O’Coimin took notes – working on it

Frida: Sanitary products

  • O’Coimin wants to know the budget for a school year
    • Need to calculate the price à 600-700 euros
  • Work with APEEEL2
    • They will pay?
  • Cleaning company
    • PC order the sanitary products and cleaning ladies put them in place

School Hoodie Logo Competition

  • Teachers can also participate
    • Also win the money
  • We need to find a new provider to have hoodies, crewnecks, stuff with zip

Bad teachers

How to complain?

  • ANONYMOUS way to give constructive criticism to the teachers

The PC could create a survey where students can give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism so that teachers can improve

  • Internal need to create questions (teaching skills + general behaviour +…)

Supervision (useless replacement)

Is it possible not to have replacement with non-qualified teacher for S6 and S7?

  • For S6 nope – need to see if it can work for S7 (only if teacher didn’t left work to do)

We are not supposed to have replacement during last period – need to see with O’Coimin why we have it

Reduce carbon footprint

Cash price “1000 euros” for the pupil/teacher/… that can come up with the best way to advertise “parents not taking their children to school by car” (will reduce traffic)

àuse bus, train, bike, …

(video, poster, …) CREATE BEST CAMPAIGN


Contact Data Protection Office

Follow General Data Protection (consent for every minor)

Heads of PCTV. Send an email to DPO to explain everything Justas talked about with Soekov

Kevin: Contact Deputy Finance and stuff….. for water fountains

Zeynep: Conseil Meeting

covid restrictions

in school vaccination program has started

  • percentage of students doing the weekly quick tests has increased

S6 trips

  • rough drafts
  • organizers haven’t started planning yet because of the insurance risk

Field Trips

  • we are currently unable to organize any day trips due to covid

Play and Learn

  • new activities

Prevention Programmes

  • S1-S3 beesecure
  • S3-S4 alcohol prevention

Traffic in the mornings

  • possible veloh project with mamer commune

new bus lines next summer

  • new bike racks are added

16+ Christmas Event (with LUX1)

17th December

Ticket = 13 euros (sell them for 15)

TikTok Team

Make a TikTok tomorrow 29/10 (Halloween costumes)

  • Post the tiktoks as Reels on Instagram? YEEEES (majority agreed)

School dietician – Aline

Sandwich of the month (SURPRISE)

We are getting the dishes we requested

  • Project: create a second cafeteria?
    • We will then need to find somewhere to put other tables (primary canteen?)

She’s really cool and she wants to work with us, since we are the best students in school

Planning for events:

16+     -17th December

Euronight -March?

At school:

S4-S5 Prom -February (12 euros)

S1-S3 Disco -April (7 euros) à Emily: still try to see for gym halls in case mixed year groups events are not accepted at school

  • We can mix year groups if we make quick tests
    • School will pay for the tests
      • We can still make money saying that they need to pay


We can do PC meetings in our room if we do quick covid tests before the meeting

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